Florence Bost participates in a collaboration with Modelab, Fashion-Tech specialist magazine. Modelab magazine includes the « expert’s tool » section, which constitutes an aid for fashion designers to introduce themselfes into new technologies. Different subjects are approached : methodology, specific glossary, the field’s logic, conductive yarn for textiles, hybrid connectics as well as wide spread practical advise.
Examples : Expert’s tool - Modelab n°4 • Conception of an E-garment • Jack, the heating jacquet, a concrete example • Good questions check-list to keep in mind while creativing an E-garment
Link : http://modelab.fr/produit/magazine-modelab-n4/
OTHERS COLLABORATIONS Florence Bost also participates occasionally in web magazines writing articles about target professional events. 2 examples :
Maisons d’exception, webmagazine • Highly selective information platform about « Maison d’exception » in « Première Vision » forum.
Link : http://www.maisondexceptions.com/author/florencebost/
The Hochschule Niederrhein University Symposium • Publication of the article : «Connected ribbons, design as a key to services’ materiality» during the Narrrow Fabrics an Smarts Textiles International Week.